Subtle Bodies &

Subtle Energies

Human beings are so much more than the bones and flesh that we recognise as our physical bodies. Our bodies extend from our physical bodies through to our energetic or subtle bodies. These subtle bodies vibrate at much higher frequencies and interact with both physical and non-physical worlds. These are the layers that make up your aura or auric body.

Energetic bodies, subtle bodies and auric bodies are all synonyms for describing the energy, vibration or frequency that surrounds our physical body. This energetic body is often where we hold blocked or stagnant energy and even emotional blockages. The openness or blocked nature of our subtle body provides information to those who we interact with physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Animals and children are much more aware of subtle bodies than their adult human guardians. They often sense that things may not be quite as they seem or better than they thought long before the adults in their lives do. The innocence of children and animals allows them to use their fine level of feeling to detect how best to relate to other humans.

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Working with your subtle body


As adults we have developed our intellectual minds so much so that we are no longer skilled in detecting these subtle energies. You will likely have been in someone’s company who made you feel totally at ease immediately but couldn’t put your finger on exactly how or why that happened. Your subtle bodies would have connected long before you were in each others physical presence. In some way the open and blocked areas of each of you made the other feel so comfortable that you were able to form an alliance quickly.

The opposite may have also happened. You may have met a person or been in a space that made you feel completely uneasy. You will likely have connected with the person’s subtle body and it triggered something within you that you weren’t ready to move. The other person might have have been genuine and loving however being in their presence introduced you to an energy that did not sit well with you. They may have on an energetic level encouraged you to move some stagnant energy that you intellectually could not unravel.

All of this was happening on a subtle level. A level that you could not apply your logical mind to understand, you just felt uncomfortable and could not pinpoint the catalyst.

The exciting part is that this is a skill that can be refined and developed. Working with and on your energetic body will through deep rest and relaxation help you to process your stress, become more in tune with what your body needs and wants.