”Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

- Albert Einstein

Energy & Energetics

The words “energy” and “energetics” are used by many different people in many different ways. We talk about the energy consumed through food and then expended by physical activity. We also refer to the energy used to heat, light and power our homes. You may have also head people speaking about the energy in a room or the energy of people that they have met.

By definition energy is considered the power and capacity to do some kind of work to transform something from one state to another. This might be as simple as applying heat (energy) to water to convert it from a liquid to a gas. While energetics is considered the study of the flow or transformation of energy.

Most will understand energy in it’s scientific or more conventional definitions. However we can also talk about energy in more abstract ways. Many ancient healing modalities like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine) will treat stagnant or blocked energy channels in the body. You may have also experienced the feeling of tension when walking into a room where people have been arguing — their tense energy will be in the air, perhaps you could have “cut the atmosphere with a knife”.

This more abstract concept of energy is we are working with when we talk about energy healing. Energy healing is a holistic therapy which works on the mind body and spirit. These non invasive therapies work to balance, clear and energise our own energetic bodies.

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Your energetic body.

In addition to our physical body we all have an energetic body which is made up of 7 energetic layers to form your auric body. This auric body, auric field, aura is what people are referring to when they say things like “I liked her vibe” or “they just made me feel uneasy.

Everything that we see, experience and do has an effect on our physical and energetic body. Through these experiences we we accumulate stress and other emotions in the body.

By working with and clearing the stress and emotions that we store in our energetic bodies we lighten our bodies and become more resilient.